A Christmas first.
Carol headed to Dubai to be with her children and for the 1st birthday of her granddaughter, Kaylee, and I headed off to South Africa.
After arriving in Joburg I spent a few days “couch surfing” from place to place. Waiting for the arrival of Mark from San Diego. Four nights and 4 different beds. All accompanied by great friends and family, hospitality ... and much appreciated.
Another great feature of my South African holiday was the quiet nights ... a big change from the barking dogs, crowing cockerels and noisy neighbours of Mactan!!
Another great feature of my South African holiday was the quiet nights ... a big change from the barking dogs, crowing cockerels and noisy neighbours of Mactan!!
After the arrival of Mark it was off to Kenton to spend a few days with Andrew and family at his in-laws, Hugh and Ruth. We flew from Joburg to East London and hired a car.
Jan and Josh on our walk |
After leaving Kenton Mark and I drove up through the Transkei to Durban and I dropped him off with his good friend Emile. They were heading to his home in Kwabonombi. Then a few days in Zululand. Tiger fishing and game watching.
I stayed in Durban with my sister, Pam. It was also my annual visit to see my mother, who at age 91 is not in a great state either physically or mentally. Visiting her at the old age home made me seriously reconsider about living a long life and the quality of life. For many of the people I saw (mainly women0 it is not living but merely existing … not a pleasant situation.
New Years Eve fireworks over Durban |
I then went down the Natal South Coast for 2 days. Staying in number 14 Trevi took me back to the years we lived in number 13. At Trevi I saw Vera and Desi and reflected on the days of Vera’s cooking!
The annual meet up with Paul, Bill and Roger was a dinner in Westville. We originally met at Whiteheads in the mid 70’s so have over 40 years of shared experiences. With Paul turning 73 this year, Bill 72, and Roger 71 I was the youngest at 68!! It was a pleasant and very sedate evening with delicious dinner ay Chez Nous. Everyone is very conscious of drinking and driving. Not quite the same consideration in the 70’s.
I experienced the mob visits to the beach on the 1st of January. Both Margate and St Michaels were places where you wouldn’t want to be!!
Shelly Beach |
Pam came with me to collect Mark in Kwabonombi and I was surprised by how easy the drive was, both there and back the traffic was a breeze.
We then spent the last few days at Pam’s and visited mom every day. Some days she seemed quite aware and on others quite confused. For her time has become meaningless and the only highlights are tea and meals.
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