Sunday 15 May 2011

Democratic Elections?

Aren't they just a waste of time? The pursuit of democracy as an ideal seems to be hopelessly flawed in places like South Africa when out of a voting population of 22 million there are 5 million individual tax payers and 16 million people on grants!!
It's time to start trimming and eliminating governments. They add very little, or no value, and are little more than a self perpetuating consumer of wealth.

Universal Problems - Hemorrhoids and Making Money on The Internet!!

These may seem to be strange bedfellows ... and they are!!
The warped correlation is that many people are trying to make money on the internet while many other people are looking to cure their hemorrhoids or some other day to day ailment.
Couldn't they solve each others' problems?
Click Here! If you happen to be looking for a hemorrhoids cure